Right up front, please give me this opportunity to say, everybody is offended by everything. I know that to be true, because in my lifetime, I have offended, more or less, entire nations with stuff that I thought was cute or funny. Back then, I did not understand it, and today, I understand that what some people think is funny could very well be offensive to whole populations of people. I think people are not less attuned to our friends and associates sensitivities, there are just more venues for us to use to smatter people with offensive things. Social media. It is supposed to be social, not offensive. The definition of the word 'social' is
ADJ: 1.) relating to society or its organization. 2.) needing companionship and therefore best suited to living in communities.
N. an informal social gathering, especially one organized by the members of a particular club of group. The definition of the word 'media' is
N 1.) the main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing, and the Internet) regarded collectively. 2.) the plural form of medium. SO...what good is social media? I think mostly it is fun, but many times, posts are entirely used to inflame and/or offend people. I am taking time right now to post the most offensive thing I could find. I went to the Googles, and I asked Mrs. Google to show me the most offensive and inappropriate photo she could find that was not copyrighted (and in the public domain), and the photo attached to this journal entry is the best she could come up with. That is my offending post for the day. Enjoy.
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