Traffic is back, and perhaps with a vengeance... It took me almost an hour to go seven miles, and when the traffic got flowing again, there was no evidence of a wreck or anything. I hate it when that happens! I presented a class today, a quick four hour class, and it was considered a 'hybrid' class. There are lots of 'virtual' classes being held via zoom and other online services, but I need the interaction of class attendees. I need to see their reactions, I need to be able to watch them to see if I am confusing them (which can definitely happen), and need to see their responses to questions. I just 'play off' the persons in attendance, and I don't get that interaction presenting classes via zoom meetings. I am certainly not criticizing those that like virtual classes, it is just not for me. I do not present classes that I do not care for, either. I only present those classes that I like the subject matter, and that is my choice. At my advanced age, I choose to be finicky, so there. I will present another class tomorrow, and then there will be a couple zoom meetings on Friday, and the following week will be considerable slower than this one. AND, I am looking forward to the weekend!
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