And now for something completely different. And if I am lucky, just a few minutes of distraction from the cares and worries of the day. This photo popped up on my cell phone today, one of the recent updates causes random photos to appear. This photo was from April of 2017, and we were in DC for our annual Hill Visits. Not sure what building we were in, but probably on that has been mentioned A LOT lately. These wimmin accosted me to be in a photo with me, and I did not agree until one of them offered me their tiara in exchange for posing for a photo. I complied, and after the deed was done, these wimmin all took off like there was a truck out on the street throwing gold chains out the back. They were all pretty fast except for that one, and I knocked her ass down and grabbed my bounty and headed back into the building. There was a little issue getting the tiara the metal detector. I was asked if I was carrying any concealed weapons and I told the security guy just this one little weapon of mass distraction. I winked, he winked, and I waltzed through the line and made it in time to give my presentation. I can neither confirm nor deny that any of the aforementioned events happened, or are just a fig newton of my imagination.
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