I keep discovering more and more conveniences for living in Georgetown, as opposed to living on the Edge of Nowhere. But really, this is only my second day, but I have done a couple good things, in my opinion. I have renewed my print subscription to the Austin newspaper. We had a subscription when we first moved to the farm, but two or three years or local carrier died, and then the delivery became sketchy at best. When Jody died, I cancelled the subscription, since it was not worth the aggravation. The electronic edition is okay, if you grew up with electronic stuff, but I really like getting the newspaper, and reading it. My subscription is supposed to start tomorrow. Fingers crossed. The hot water here was tepid at best, so I went on-line to see what the recommended temperature is for a residential water heater. Opinions range from 120 to 150 degrees (150 degrees is recommended with lots of disclaimers). Something between 135 and 140 degrees seemed reasonable, so armed with that knowledge, I ventured into the attic to see what the temperature setting was. There are two waters in this house, which seems to me to be a little more than necessary, but who am I to question that. There was no temperature setting for the water heaters, but as you can see I can choose low, hot or very hot. I switched them both from low to hot, and I am much happier with the temperature of the hot water now. I went and got the girls from the kennel, and found their monthly meds and gave them their proper doses. They seem happy with the back yard, but they are still kind of iffy about the house. I expect they will be all settled in about the same time I will be, a week or so. I rearranged the furniture in the office this evening, and I think I like it better this way. You are all welcome to come and decide for yourselves.
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