I am just about as happy as a pig in sh*t. That is pretty happy too, I have to tell you. Back in October, I took three clocks in to the clock repair shop, two of which had NEVER worked since se had them. The one I am going to talk about today, is one that Jody brought in to the family, and I do not know if it ever worked when he had it, but he kept schlepping it from one place to another. It works now! It's an Ansonia clock, and the clock shop does not know for sure if it is Pizarro or Don Quixote, and they told me last year that I could get a replacement sword on line. I have not been able to find one, so if any of you are feeling detective like, feel free to scour the Internets to see if you can find me a replacement sword. But I am tickled pink that I have three more clocks that are making noise in the hallway. Otherwise, I did three zooms today, got some good work done in the office, and made it to the farm, all in the same day. My last zoom today (7PM) was the Water Oaks Woman's Book Club. They let me in, so all is good. This months book is
American Dirt, and I have only started the book, but it is pretty darned graphic and interesting so far. Next months book is
The Splendid and the Vile, by Eric Larsen. Never heard of it, but always open to good book recommendations. I've got a month to finish them both, hut I expect it will only take me a week or ten days. Welcome to the full moon peeps!
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