Well, well, well. Yes, I am well, but I expect that I would be weller (not with water) if I could get a vaccination. I am on one waiting list, but it is really difficult, at my advanced age, to traverse the web-sites to see if there are other locations offering the vaccine. The way I understand it, I am a member of Group B, kind of like finding out you qualify for AARP. But, I will keep logging-on and receive the continuous rejections with a smile. My entire day today revolved around a delivery for one of our landlords. The delivery window was between noon and 6PM, so I did not leave the house particularly early, but I did make two or three stops on the way in to the office. I did some power real estate, signed a bunch of stuff, and finally I got the call that the delivery was on its way. And then it started raining. And then a cold front came in. And by the time everything was done, I was soaking wet and freezing. Well, not literally. So it was back to the office after that, and then off to the farm to feed chickens and the barn cat. Tomorrow is not an office day, so it will be kind of a slow day. i am considering a visit to Costco. Maybe, maybe not. But definitely another relaxed trip to the farm to pack up a few more things to bring to the Lazy House.
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