Six years ago tonight, at just about this time...I was in a wanna-be Uber, on my way to a Hotel in NewYork City. I had managed to get on the last flight that was allowed to land at LaGuardia. I don't remember the airline (maybe Jet blue), but my booked flight had been cancelled because of the blizzard (not the DQ kind) that was expected to cripple the Northeast. I really did not have any concerns about the whole 'blizzard' thing, until I spent several hours on the plane with nothing to do but watch CNN and the Weather Channel, both of which were forecasting major power outages and crippling ice storms and snow fall. The airport, when we landed, was really quiet, and there were no cabs to be had. One of the Skycaps knew somebody who knew somebody that would come and take us to the hotel, which cost just a bit north of a hundred bucks. And then, nothing happened. No real bluster, no real anything. As I recall, it was a lot like a snow storm in Texas...nothing to get really too worked up over. AND, we had (pretty much), the whole place to ourselves! To say it was anti-climactic would be an understatement, but I was totally okay with that. Things got back to normal within a day or two, and it was an overall fun, successful and enlightening trip. I won't really discuss the purpose of the trip, but I can tell you, if you have attended two or three Inman Conferences, it is my opinion that you don't need to attend anymore! The photo in this journal entry is the view from my hotel window. A really good memory!
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