My, my, my...the first Monday of the new year. A lot of people are betting that 2021 will be a better year than 2020, but I also predict that the year will be much more interesting, in a different kind of way, than 2020 proved to be. Aside from the pandemic and a couple personal things that happened early in the year, the year (in my opinion) did not get really too interesting until the fourth quarter, and the whole shit show is spilling into the first quarter of 2021. Today was a pretty productive day for me overall. I made it into the office this morning, and then headed home for a 1 o'clock appointment at the new house. The water softener was installed at the new house today, the gutter installation is about half-way done, and the car charger was corrected this afternoon as well, so I am glad for all those accomplishments. I do not have anything on the calendar for tomorrow, but I am pretty confident that I can easily fill up the day. I need to go back to the Post Office...I was there a little over two weeks ago to get a key to the cluster box, but they were not sure that my house (number) existed. They told me they would give me a call when they got it all figured out, but I will be pro-active and see what I can find out. I really need to start getting the addresses changed on all the various accounts and subscriptions, but I need to make sure I can access the mail box before I do that. I am getting to the farm on a daily basis; there are chickens to feed, pool skimmers to clean, a lot of this-and-that to keep taking care of. No freezing temperatures are expected until the late weekend, so I turned the water back on to the cattle trough in the back pasture. As I was walking back to the house, I took this photo...moving from the farm to Georgetown is really a bittersweet thing, but I think long-term it will be the right thing to do. Now, if I can just get the dogs to quit barking...
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