I had a brief but memorable relationship with this dog early this afternoon, and after the second traffic light pause, he/she was gone from my left forever. The lady driver (chauffeur) of said canine did not find our affair a particularly rewarding one, and she did her best to terminate our infatuation. Adieux fair canine! Otherwise, it was an okay Monday, nothing particularly exciting, but there was one particular event that was kind of distressing. I made an appointment with the CPA, and thought I was going to be well ahead of the curve, and I left his office with a list of more things that I need to provide him. I will work on that some more tomorrow. And now, drum roll...I took a brief bike ride this evening, immediately preceding the composition of this journal entry. A short ride, admittedly, only a little more than two miles, and only about 15 minutes, but for every downhill, there was an uphill. I do not plan to go recklessly into riding again, but it needs to be slow, methodical, and consistent. Today was just the start of something that I used to LOVE doing. It will all work out...
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