I will admit that I was startled when I walked in to the chicken coop this afternoon. Not so startled that I screamed like a pre-adolescent girl that had just met George, but I was startled. After the jump, I took a photo of the snake in one of the nesting boxes, trying to consume a glass nest egg. For all practical purposes, I saved this rat snakes life because, if it had been successful in swallowing the nest egg, it would have died because it would not have been able to digest it. So, after a few more photo opportunities with the aforementioned snake, I re-homed it over to the neighbors front pasture. The consensus is, our paths may cross again, and that will be okay; it's this thing called nature. Otherwise, nothing spectacular to report. We (for the most part) missed all the really bad weather, and there has been no more rain today. It looks like there is still rain in the forecast every day for the next five or six days, and I am okay with it, just not while I am trying to do something outside. From the looks of this photo, I have waited too long to get my hair cut, but that will be taken care of on Friday. I changed from a three-week cycle to a four-week cycle, and I think I need to go back on the three-week rotation. Okay...
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