Not a bad day. I had three zoom meetings, I did two in the office and one at home. After the last zoom, I went to the farm and did the usual stuff, and then I came back to the Curious House and took a quick nap during the news. My dad always nodded off during Walter Cronkite, and I do the same thing, only Walter is dead, apparently he bored himself into it. Then I had a 6:15 appointment at the house, a fast one, in-and-out, nobody gets hurt. After that, I met Mike, Candy and Sharon for dinner. Catfish. I read about six weeks ago in the Georgetown paper about a restaurant in Georgetown that serves catfish, and has been operating continuously for 41 years. Apparently it is the longest continuously operating restaurant in Georgetown. The catfish was good, great cole slaw, hushpuppies were good, overall, two forks up, and I will go back again. I really try to support local stuff like this instead of chains. Can't always do that, but it is good to try if you can. Tomorrow I have a 9:30, a 5:30 and a 6:30. 6:30 is the Water Oaks Ladies Book Club night, and we are doing in-person for the first time since I have been attending. It should be fun, I will bring some cheap wine, and talk about the latest tragedy a woman author has suffered. The cannas are starting to bloom out at the farm, and the crepe myrtles have been blooming for a couple weeks. Next, the lilies will start going crazy, and I will see if any of the Tiger Lilies survived. I hope they did.
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