Ugh. There has been a lot of nature stuff today... This morning, I was out in the backyard with the girls, and Callie was paying attention to something in the grass. She did not act aggressively, so I really did not pay attention. When she moved away, I saw some movement where she had been, and I thought it was a butterfly or a moth. I walked over, and it was a fledgling humming bird. I picked it up...it was trying to fly. I took it over to the patio, got one of the hummingbird feeders down, and tried to get it to take some sugar water. I left it on the table on the patio, near the feeder, and took the girls in the house. A bit later I looked, and it was gone. Upon further investigation, it had (I guess) flopped down onto the patio, and then onto the grass. The patio is about three feet off the grass. I took it over to the stone wall and set it on top, and a little while later, I checked again, and it was gone. Hoping for the best! This evening, we have had a LOT of nature. Big, BIG storms, 70 to 90 mile an hour wind gusts, and in about the last hour or hour-and-a-half, the temperature has gone down about 20 degrees, and we have received about 6/10" of rain. Now there are tornados south and east of the Curious House. I think Austin and further east got worse weather that we did here in Georgetown. Having said that, there was just a BIG lightning flash and some pretty good thunder. From all I was taught when I was a kid, the storm, where the lightning was, should be about five miles from here. All the tv stations are doing weather advisories, so everyone just needs to stay safe!
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