The world's heaviest man weighed more than 1,400 pounds. Let's talk about donuts, shall we? I have heard over the many years I have lived, that, if you fall off a horse you need pick yourself up and get back in the saddle. I had, what looked to be a most delicious donut on Tuesday past. One of our clients brought in two dozen assorted donuts, and I chose one that looked yummy good, but it was not. Other people in the office said they were a bit disappointed with the donut of their choice as well, but, never wanting to paint a whole population of donuts with a tremendously broad brush, I have chosen to give donuts another try. I have not tried this one as of this writing, but I doubt it will survive the evening, and, not matter how bad it may turn out to be, I will give it as many chances as I can. I sha'nt judge a donut in a hasty fashion, and I won't. SO...Thursday. One day away from Friday, and I am looking forward to the weekend, except for the fact that there will be two more mornings with temperatures expected to be below freezing. And winds expected to be gusting to 45 miles per hour. Ugh.
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