Squirrels can climb trees faster than they can run on the ground. Well, we made it to a new year. 2022. I will try my best to remain optimistic, but there is no real justification for that optimism. Maybe if I looked at things a little bit differently; I'm still here, that is a good thing. I have made a lot of friends in the last twelve months, that is a good thing. Did I mention that I am still here? Overall, I remain the luckiest person I know, no matter what anyone else says. The ROMEOs are going to push their walking back to begin at 7:30 instead of 7 o'clock in the mornings. I think we used to walk at 7:30, but I am not sure. I did a lot of January first things today; shredding papers, organizing, starting fresh pages for this-and-that. The usual stuff. I did not really make any resolutions, I think it is just easier that way. The cold front is coming through as I write this. It was, probably, in the low 80s this afternoon, and I went to our usual wine night at Dick and Marge's house at 7, and the temperature has dropped almost 40 degrees since then. I spent some time this afternoon bringing plants into the garage and covering them on the patio, and strategizing about how to keep them from freezing overnight and overnight tomorrow night as well. Two days of temperatures below 32 degrees, and then we will be a little bit back to normal for a while. We should all start complaining about the cold weather in the next couple hours. The picture accompanying this journal entry is proof that I had black eyed peas today, so if the whole thing goes to hell, find someone else to blame.
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