Chickens lay more eggs when pop music is playing. Today was a day full of ups and down. I did my walk this morning, and I was feeling like I was getting a cold or was plagued with allergies. Nope. COVID. I tested three times, it's COVID. Really, not awful, just like a cold. No sore throat, a good bit of coughing, a LOT of sneezing. The highest temperature was 100 degrees, so I guess I am lucky, it could be worse. SO...I did not go in to Austin today, and I doubt I will for the rest of the week. I slept most of the day, and the girl dogs were just fine with that. I did go outside a couple times with the girls and I did walk down to the mail box, but that is pretty much it. I think tomorrow will be a repeat. The worst part of it is, there is really nothing on tv. I may have to break down and figure out how to get Netflix on the tv. I did stop at Dairy Queen yesterday and got two Blizzards, so I think I will break one of them out after I finish this entry. We had our neighborhood Book Club meeting tonight by zoom, and everyone is doing fine. We had not seen Dick since his surgery on January 4th, so it was good for him to be able to login and say hello. My Meyer Lemon tree (does this look like a Meyer Lemon?) has had buds on it, but none of the buds have actually opened. Do I need two trees for pollination, or are they self-pollinating?
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