If you were to dig a hole from one side of the Earth to the other, and jump into it, it would take about forty-two minutes to reach the opposite end. At that point, you would fall back into the hole and repeat the trip back-and-forth forever. So, I have not tested myself today, and my temperature has fluctuated between 97 degrees and almost (not quite) 100 degrees. It's pretty interesting how much food you can consume without even tasting any of it. I ate half of one of my Blizzards last night, and that is a first for me. I will have the other half later. Today I've eaten a bagel, some yogurt, a pimento cheese sammich, and an apple. Marge brought me down some homemade chicken soup, and I had a couple bites. I will save that for tomorrow. Dick said she is going to HEB tomorrow, and I ordered a box of saltine crackers. I have not slept as much today as I did yesterday, but I have dozed off and on. Last week, I got calls from a 'Spam Risk' that said they were contracted by my primary physician and that they wanted me to make an appointment to do a blood draw, something about checking something to see if I was prone to diabetes. I called my doctor, and he said he knew nothing about it, and that he would not go if he were me. They kept at it, and I kept the verbal abuse going, and I made an appointment for today at 9:30. I called this morning and cancelled the appointment, and Googled the number, and this is what came up. It is (allegedly) a place on Williams Drive, and I will go past one day next week and scope it out. I spent some time blocking out the numbers, but then I changed my mind. If it is a legit place, their phone needs to say something besides 'Spam Risk.'
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