Saturday, January 14, 2023

Volume 15 - Day 14/351, 2023 - Saturday

Well, the weekend is half over, and today was a pretty full day. A good walk with the boys this morning, and then I did a little bit of organizing in the garage. Then, it was time for estate sales. The sales, all five of them, were really kind of disappointing. I spent $2, I think everybody bought something, no real extraordinary purchases, we all got bargains, and we all hope next week will be better. When we get to the sales on Saturday, a lot of the stuff has already been culled out, since some sales start on Thursday. Once we got back to the house, I putzed around the house for a little bit, then got ready to go for a little bike ride. Richard (who shall be referred to as 'Todger') and I met at Berry Springs, rode to Walburg and back, another 13 mile ride. nice and relatively easy. Brunch tomorrow, and maybe I really will get some work done in the garage. Maybe.

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