Friday, January 20, 2023

Volume 15 - Day 20/345, 2023 - Friday

I did half of the walk this morning, and I think the rest of the guys did half of the walk as well. I had a nine o'clock appointment to get a trailer hitch put on the car so I can put a bike rack in the trailer hitch. It will be much easier to cart the bike here and there. Not sure if we are going to ride tomorrow or not, it is supposed to be kind of chilly, so it is not terrible if we miss a day. I am planning on doing a thirty mile ride in late April, so I am not too worried about missing a day here and there. After the appointment, I made it in to the office, and that was just fine. A little of this and a little of that. I left about 1:30 and was then on a quest to buy a bike rack for the newly installed trailer hitch. I thought the trailer hitch was going to be the hard part, but apparently not, it is the hitch that I cannot find, or at least it is the hitch that suits me that I cannot find. I got home and did a little more this and that, and then at 5:30 a group of us headed to Walburg for dinner at the German restaurant. I had not been there since the last time, which was a couple years ago, and it was me, Jody and either Mike or Joe Mac and Caroline. Not sure which, but it was kind of nostalgic. It was probably one of the most fun nights I have had in a really long time. The photo accompanying this journal entry is Paul, me, Richard (Toger), Margie, Pam and Teri. Lots of fun!

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