Monday, January 30, 2023

Volume 15 - Day 30/335, 2023 - Monday

It was 30 degrees (at least) cooler this morning than it was on Sunday morning. The temperature has been holding at about 28 degrees for the last few hours, and I expect it will get a little cooler overnight, but so far we have not had the freezing rain that is all around us. We shall see how it all works out, but it should all be over by Thursday. Fingers crossed. I expect everything will be off to a delayed start tomorrow, if things open at all. There is still time to go by stuff you don't need at the grocery, and I think there is still gas available at the stations. That could all change. It was a relatively calm day in the office. I got there at abut 9:30 and left at a little after one o'clock. I think I am as ready for the cold temperatures as I can be, so I should survive the next few days. I do expect I will walk in the morning, the cold temperatures should not be a deterrent. I am not too sure if the ROMEOs will meet for breakfast, but I think it is a definite possibility. I did wear two coats, a stocking cap and gloves to was the 500 feet to check the mail this afternoon. You can never be too careful. Stay warm everybody!

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