Today was a good day, and that is a good thing. I think my good days outnumber the bad days by a large margin, and I honestly have never really thought about it. I have thought lots about being a lucky man, so there is that. There was a good walk this morning, and it was much cooler this morning than it was yesterday morning. Not sure what to expect tomorrow. Then I got in to the office kind of early, because I had several meetings and zooms today. So, the office was good, got some stuff done, and had a meeting to go over property issues and opportunities. Then it was off to an in-person meeting at ABoR, and that all went well. I left ABoR at about 12:25 and headed home to get logged on to a 1 o'clock zoom call. I logged on to the call about three minutes late, but that was not a real problem. After that zoom call, I had a three o'clock appointment at home, with the guys in the photo. There has always been a challenge with the solar system I had installed in 2021, but I think those challenges were corrected this afternoon. That is a true sense of accomplishment. I think I will be able to sleep better at night now, and will also be able to have a lower panic level when there is a storm predicted. Such a relief! Estate sales tomorrow, and that is always fun!
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