I have been rejected. Ugh. While we were walking this morning, we came across a man walking his little dog, Harry. I asked permission to give Harry a doggie treat, but Harry would have no part of it. Rejected! The gentleman does not live in the neighborhood, he is visiting from Oklahoma, which could explain the whole thing, but I can't believe Harry did not want a treat. Ugh! Otherwise, it was a nice day for a walk, and it turned out to be a nice day all around. I think the temperature got up to the high 70s, it should cool down overnight, and I have no idea what the rest of the week holds. I don't think the weather prognosticators have a clue, either. Time will tell. I sat out on the front patio this afternoon, and Don came by with his little girl, Miss Dazy. All the girls settled down after a while, and I expect they will all get along just fine.
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