Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Volume 15 - Day 74/219, 2023 - Wednesday

It is dark these days when we start our walk in the morning, but by the time we are finished, usually about fifty minutes, it is getting lighter. This morning there was a nice sunrise behind us, so I thought you might enjoy it. I had a ten o'clock appointment this morning, and, as usual, I got there early. After that appointment, I went in to the office, and got some stuff done, and then I had a zoom call at 2 o'clock. I left the office and headed home after that call, and during the call, I got some more work done, since the zoom did not include video from my end. I have a couple appointments on the books for tomorrow, one at 9:30 and one at 11:30. I like Thursdays, mainly because it is the day before Friday! On Friday, I will (once again) show up at the dermatologist, having secured a referral from my PCP. I found out today that PCP stands for my Primary Care Physician. I know doctors have a history of writing illegibly, but now the assistants send e-mails in code. UGH. Fortunately (for you) there was nothing else of any import or interest to you today, so this is it.

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