Well, today was a most excellent day in central Texas, starting with a nice, brisk (cold) walk first thing with Dick and Paul. I think there is supposed to be one more overnight with low temperatures in the 30s, then there will be a nice warming trend. I can't wait. Let me be clear...I am not wanting summer to be here any sooner than is absolutely necessary, but nice spring time temperatures would be very welcome. After the walk, I did a few little things around the house, not including a nap, and then headed out to brunch with Alisha, Reuben and Terry. We tried a new place in Cedar Park, the Toasted Yolk. Not bad, I think we will go back again. On the way home, I made a quick trip to Walgreen's, then took another nap. When I woke up, I had a burst of energy, and the hummingbird feeders I ordered from Amazon had arrived, so I got those installed. Then, I went out and did a few things on the front patio, watered the plants, cleaned the dog water station, and trimmed some of the plants that have died back. I'm not sure how much stuff will come up from the roots, but it will be what it is. Then I went out to the back patio, cleaned table tops, filled fountains with water and watered the plants. I have a few more things to do back there, but tomorrow is another day. The Piglet also got her face washed this morning, she is not keen on having it done, but she looks much better and now I doubt that she even remembers the trauma. Photo: Alisha got me back today, I hardly ever smile in one of her selfie photos, so she returned the favor this morning. I also learned that this is not a selfie, it is an ussie.
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