Okay, my 2023 Legislative Conference is a wrap. I will be up early in the morning to catch a 7:30 flight home, via Atlanta. I am looking forward to getting home, and I miss the girls. While I have been in our Nation's Capital, I have been very disappointed with the 'pet sitter' I hired. I should have followed my gut, when she was not interested in stopping by the house before I left. I had hired her once before, and all was good, but this time was a HUGE disappointment. If it were not for my great neighbor Pam, I would not have been able to cope. I will be grateful to Pam for ever and ever. Okay, enough of that, I need to go on. This morning, a bunch of us visited the NAR building, which is an annual thing for many of us. After that, we went to the Old Ebbit Grill for lunch, then I had a couple last meetings. One at 2PM, one at 4PM, and the final dinner at 6:30. I doubt I will sleep much this evening, I am basically packed, all I have to do in the morning is to zip up a couple things, check the room a final time, and go grab a cab. I will talk with you all tomorrow. This photo is of a group from Austin at dinner tonight, Top row, me, Teresa and Jennifer. Seated Eileen and Becky.
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