I had a pretty busy day today, but I got everything done that was on my list. It all started off with a nice walk with Richard and Paul. When I got home, I did laundry, then took the girls to the beautiful parlor. There was a lot of stuff in between, including cleaning the stucco under the front porch, where the barn swallows have been hanging out. Not nesting, just hanging out and pooping. What a mess. But, it is all cleaned now, and I am on a mission to keep them from coming back. I am not too sure who is going to win this challenge, but I will do my best. My immediate tactic is to keep the porch light on for a while to try and keep them from hanging out in the dark. Who knows if my psychology will work or not. Tonight was the first house concert of the third season. Bluegrass night. It was fun, and we had quite a few neighbors hanging out. It was NOT supposed to rain at all today, but at about five o'clock, it started raining, but it was over by 6:30, so the concert went on with no problems. All was good, and now it is time to go to sleep.
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