Sunday, September 15, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 259/107, 2024 - Sunday

I had very few things on my chore list to get accomplished today, but I got it all done, and some extra stuff, too. After my walk with Paul, I fed the girls, had some cereal, watched a bit of Sunday Morning, and then had a burst of energy and trimmed back the morning glories in the back yard. It was apparently not a great day for photographing (documenting) my day, and this is the best I could do. Before I trimmed it back, you could not see the stone column, and about six feet of the fence was covered with morning glory vines. I am happy with the way I actually got it done, pretty much the way I planned it, too. After that, Marian and I decided to hit a couple of the estate sales we were at yesterday, and I had time to make a run to HEB before that. SO...I have food in the refrigerator, enough ice cream to last me two or three days, and I am pretty sure I will not starve in the near future. I have seven minutes left of the book I am listening to, and then I will search for a new one to start. For the rest of this evening, I will sit in front of the television with the girls, and watch the Emmys. I don't watch too much broadcast tv, but I might recognize a few of the nominees and maybe even some of the winners. Maybe.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 258/108, 2024 - Saturday

I was wakened at 5:07AM by some red and blue flashing lights. I got up and opened the blinds, and I could see a cop car on the Parkway, and a couple people, but my curiosity was not enough to keep me out of the bed. I went back to bed, and a few minutes later, the lights were off and I assume the car was gone. I have no idea what was going on, and another curious thing is, there have not been any old ladies on Nextdoor exclaiming about attempted car thefts or break-ins. No telling, maybe there will be something in the next couple days. I had a nice walk with Paul this morning, and the accompanying photo is about the mid-point of our walk. Very nice. After the walk, I went down for a little nap, and then I went to four estate sales with Pam, Diane and Marian. They were not exciting, but I did spend about $20. There is a chance I may go back tomorrow and see what is left at half-off prices. After returning home from the sales, I ate some pizza, and went back down for naps. The girls and I were pretty much slugs for the rest of the day. I think football season has started, and I am already tired of it, it totally interferes with my television viewing, and even I can only watch so much television about murders and Nazis. Ugh.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 257/109, 2024 - Friday

It seems to be the cost of everyday things that surprises me most. I know I have mentioned this before, but I ordered a pizza and some cheese bread this afternoon, and I did tip the guy, and it was $40. Granted that is going to be a minimum of three meals and a snack or two, and you can't really go anywhere these days and have a meal for $13.50 or so, so I guess I just need to shut up. Maybe I will, but it is still kind of a surprise. If you ask the girls, they will tell you it was a totally outrageous expense, but that is only because I did not offer them any of it. I continue to explain to them that, they never offer to share their food with me, so... I had a leisurely morning after my walk with Paul, and I got in to the office about 10 o'clock. It was the end of a not-so-bad week, and that was nice. Carrie and I went on a tour of three or four of her properties, and we even checked out a couple of mine. Mission accomplished. I threatened to stop for fast food on the way home, but I opted for slow food and I timed the delivery so I would be eating about the same time as the girls. I am pretty well done for the day, looking forward to estate sales tomorrow, and doing a few chores around the Curious House. I really need to vacuum, but I don't want to get too crazy. That notion will likely pass before too long. 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 256/110, 2024 - Thursday

It was a nice walk this morning with Paul, there were lots of pups along the way that recognize me, and they get rewarded with treats. It's a great way to get to know folks in the neighborhood. I can sometimes remember the dogs names, but seldom the neighbors names. I never have been good at remembering peoples names. I got in to the office at about 9:30, and today was the day we process funds to our Landlords. We got that done by mid-day, and I took off about 1:30. I took kind of a long way home, by way of the McDonald's on North Lamar. I did not have to make any other stops along the way, and I made it home with no issues. Do you remember when checking the mail was kind of fun, because you usually got something interesting? I would say that 95% of the mail I get on a daily basis goes right into the shredder. It's kind of a disappointment. I did take a short nap when I got home, and I went down to Jimmie and Linda's to watch Only Murders in the Building, and then we played a couple games of Rummikub, I don't think I have won a single game, but it is fun and quick. I am thinking tomorrow will be a quiet day, and then I will be happy to enjoy the weekend. Except for the heat and humidity part. There are estate sales on Saturday, and maybe a brunch or dinner thrown in. It will all be good.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 255/111, 2024 - Wednesay

Honestly, this was a zip-a-dee-doo-dah kind of day. Well, the morning anyway. Paul and I had a nice walk, and it is warming up outside. High 90s for the next several days, forecast to be 99 on Saturday. I feel bad for the people in the path of the zHurricane Francine, but we were hoping to get some rain out of it. I got a couple things done that we have spent WEEKS (maybe months) working on in the office, so that was a feeling of accomplishment. I had one in-person meeting this morning, and a zoom meeting in the afternoon. Here is where things went south. I got a check in the mail a couple weeks ago, and I took it to the bank to cash it. I did not pay any attention to the date, and neither did the bank. I went to cash another check today on that particular account, and the cashier said that account had a debit balance. I was not a happy camper. I told them to send the check back, and I would go inside and get this straightened out. Well, it seems that I was supposed to have received this check in July of 2022, and I never got it. I have no idea where the check has been, but it was just delivered. By this time, that company was sold to another company, and I have spent a lot of time today trying to figure out who should be re-issuing the check. It kind of made the zip leave my doo-dah, but I am pretty sure it will all work out in the end. So far I have talked with one nice man with one company and on mean woman from the company that was sold. Tomorrow, I will start working on yet a third company, and see where I get. If you're lucky, you may get a blue bird on your shoulder!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 254/112, 2024 - Tuesday

There was no walk for me today, and there was no ROMEO breakfast, but I think these two count as Total Strangers, so this is my Total Stranger Tuesday picture. AND...I am not sure what is worse for my television viewing...politics or football. I don't care to see either of them on television, but I will tune in tonight just to see what happens. This journal entry is not leaning either direction, so shut the front door. Yes, I am talking to you. I had an appointment at the Curious House this afternoon at 2:30, so I made it home with 4 minutes to spare. I have little bugs in the house, mostly around the window in the front bedroom. If they were in cereal, I would say they were weevils, but there is no food source where I find them. The pest control man did not really know what they are (that is not comforting), but he sprayed inside and outside all the windows in the house, and I will pay attention to see if they reappear. I have a couple meetings tomorrow, one is an in-person meeting and the other one is a zoom. I know where the zoom meeting is originating from, so I may make them both in-person meetings. Our cool temperatures are a thing of the past now, 98 degrees predicted for Saturday. We will survive, I am confident of that. If I survive the evening, I expect I will go for a walk with Paul tomorrow...that is, unless we win the Mega Millions prize. I will be checking my numbers in themorning.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 253/113, 2024 - Monday

Monday, good to me...Monday morning, it was all, I hoped it would be. Oh Monday morning, you gave me no warning, of what was to be... Yep, that pretty much sums it up. Honestly, nothing terrible happened today, just a series of minuscule defeats, not just for me, but for a lot of people. Perhaps the moon is in Uranus or something, not sure. But...because of that, I did get a chance to watch a couple videos of the Mamas and Papas. I always liked them! Paul and I had a nice walk this morning, and so I am regaling you with the temperature reading this morning. Two in a row low morning temperatures. The whole thing will be over tomorrow, so there may be one more, but then the temperatures and the humidity goes back up. 98 degrees forecast for Saturday. I got in to the office and things were pretty typical, just lots of things to touch on my desk. Even so, I left at about 2:30, and got home about 3:30. I forgot that Linda and Jimmie sent me some cornbread and black eyed peas about a week ago, and that is what I had for dinner tonight. Yummy good. They sent me home with soup last night, too, so I am fixed for a few more days. I need to go water some potted plants in the front, but all is good in the back until tomorrow. 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 252/114, 2024 - Sunday

I was certainly nice to wake up to temperatures in the low 60s, and I think the humidity had decreased as well. More fake fall, I don't think this is going to last very long...maybe through Thursday, and then back up into the 90s during the day. Paul and I had a good walk, sweaters were not required. I had several bursts of energy after the walk, and I unfortunately found Sunday Morning not interesting. I got a couple pictures hung (now not too many still leaning against the wall), cut the suckers off the crepe myrtle, got the outside house lights all synchronized again, and a few other little chores. I decided to check the seats available for Beetle Juice Beetle Juice and bought a ticket even though it was not a great seat. It wasn't a lousy seat either, so that was okay. I enjoyed the movie, and the reviews have been mixed. It was not as entertaining as the original, but I enjoyed it. One of the best parts of the movie was the Donna Summer music playing. One of the worst parts was the $12 I paid for a small popcorn and a small diet Coke. Whatever. When I left the movie, I put the top down, and that was GREAT. Beautiful weather for the top down. I had dinner tonight with Val and Paulina, and it was good, and the company is always good. After I got home, I was invited down to Jimmie and Lindas and we played a couple games of the board game that they are trying to teach me how to play. It's fun and fast, and there is a lot to be said for fun and fast. I opened windows this morning, and they are opened now, so I am glad to get some fresh air in the house. I'll take advantage of that as long as I can.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 251/115, 2024 - Saturday

I have seen these little white flowers every now and then on my morning walks with Paul, but today, I decided to pay attention. I walk past lovely things like this on a daily basis, and today, I decided I should stop and pay attention. I tried to identify it on-line, and the closest I can get to it is (maybe) a wild onion. Maybe. Prepare yourself to see things I generally don't pay attention to for the next few days. Tune it! There were five estate sales that I attended today, alone, but Marian, Pam and Diane must have known that it was going to be a crappy day for sales. I spent $9, $5 of that on a table game that I have learned how to play recently with Jimmie and Linda. The game they have is apparently the deluxe version, but the one I bought will do just fine. While I was out, I made a stop at Home Depot and the giant, always jam packed HEB. It was not a truly terrible experience, and I did get in a few thousand more steps while I was there. AND, I always, ALWAYS fet in the wrong checkout lines. Bank lines, too. Then it was time for a nap. and after that, I drove out to the farm, just to see what was going on. Nothing much, really, but civilization in creeping out that way. Then home, a pimento cheese flip for dinner, and I am about to be done for the day. I only have one thing left on my chore list, and I should be able to get that done tomorrow with no problems. Dinner tomorrow with Paulina, Val and Oliver, that will be fun.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 250/116, 2024 - Friday

Thank GOODNESS it's Friday. Humming bird sightings have been on the decline for the last week or ten days, but I cleaned and refilled the feeders yesterday. I am pretty sure they are close to making their migration south really soon, but I did it anyway. I did see two or three hummers in the back this evening, and I did see one take advantage of the feeders. Fingers crossed. I need to retract my statement about rain chances I noted yesterday. Shortly after I finished the entry, I started raining and we got almost a quarter-inch of rain. Perfect. Another day of not having to water. There is a system in the Gulf right now, which has a pretty good chance of bringing us some rain next week, and I will keep an eye on that. It was kind of a hectic day in the office today, but regardless, I left and headed home about 1:30. A months worth of dog food was delivered late this morning, and I wanted to get home and get it in the freezer before it got defrosted. It's packed with dry ice, so it should last, but I just want to be careful. The picture with this entry is what 28 days worth of food for two dogs looks like in the garage freezer. There are five estate sales tomorrow, and I think I will be going solo. All the regulars have other plans, but I don't, so it's estate sale Saturday. I have a couple other errands to get taken care of, and I also was to go see Beetlejuice Beetlejuice either tomorrow or Sunday. The reviews in the paper today were not kind, but that doesn't matter to me, I will go see it and form my own opinion.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 249/117, 2024 - Thursday

OMG! I went out in the back yard with the girls a little while ago, and it is 82 degrees. I did not break a sweat. I'm leery, however, as I have said, I think this is just Fake Fall. Paul and I had a nice walk this morning, and it was kind of breezy, so that, too, was nice. I am ready to win the Mega Millions jackpot tomorrow night, somewhere north of $700 Million. I will even be happy to pay my taxes on the windfall. Once again, football is ruining my life. It has pre-empted Wheel of Fortune and that puts me at a loss for what to watch. I will be okay from 8 until 9PM, but otherwise, I am without purpose. My day was rather uneventful. but it is Thursday, and that means lunch from Sandy's. Always a treat, and no need for dinner. I had a couple errands to take care of on the way home, and tomorrow afternoon I will need to make a quick stop at HEB for really important things. I have quit using the Farmer's Dog dog food, and now the girls are eating Nom Nom. Tomorrow, I am scheduled to have 56 packets of frozen pouches delivered, which will take us through 28 days. So far, the girls like it (they liked Farmer's Dog, too, but the packaging was really terrible). I am not 100% thrilled with the Nom Nom packaging either, but it is easier than Farmer's Dog. I am pretty sure the rain is finished for the near term, but at least I have been able to go two or three days without watering anything, which I am very appreciative of. There are five estate sales this weekend, and I have a few chores that need to get completed too, so I will stay somewhat occupied, but still able to work in a couple naps.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 248/118, 2024 - Wednesday

It was not raining this morning when Paul and I started out, but it started when we were about a third of the way finished. We decided we did not really want to trust the weather, so we cut our walk short. That was good for me because I needed to be in the office a little earlier than usual. I spritzed rain off an on during the drive, but nothing major. Since my journal entry yesterday, the gauge in the back yard registered 0.98". Good job. The rain chances are tapering off, and the heat factor is going down as well. I have no fantasy that summer is over, we are just experiencing what I call 'fake fall.' It happens every year. The sun has come out in the last hour or so, which is kind of typical for this year. I was hungry all afternoon, and I wanted to stop on the way home for some fast food. But I didn't. I decided I would order a pizza at 4 o'clock. But I didn't. I have a bag of salad in the refrigerator, with some boiled eggs, so I had a salad for dinner. I will top it off with ice cream and lemon cookies (thank you Mikey), which will negate the whole salad thing. In addition to the Prevagen I try to remember to take every morning, I do a cross word puzzle when I can find one, and I do these word search things. I finally finished one of the word search took me 278 days to finish 104 puzzles, averaging 2.68 days per puzzle. I'm not sure if that calculation is correct or not, but at least I finished the book. I have several more books laying in wait, so I may go off the deep end before too long.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 247/119, 2024 - Tuesday

Well, we are in the middle of a nice bit of rain, and since this morning, we have received a little more that 3/4". We will take it, no questions asked. I think it may continue to rain for another couple of hours, and that will be great. Paul and I walked this morning, and then we met with Rick for a ROMEO breakfast. Since it was breakfast AND it was Tuesday, that means it is/was Total Stranger Tuesday. This particular stranger (victim) was having breakfast with her husband, and they were both very cautious when I went up to them. BUT, she rethought the whole thing, and actually looks like she was comfortable when I took the photo. It was her husbands birthday (I assume it was her husband), and that is the second time I have interrupted someones birthday breakfast to take a picture. I also think it is the hair that makes me look less threatening to people. Thoughts? After breakfast, it was on to the office, and it was relatively calm for being the first of the month. I left the office about 2:30, and made it home with no trouble, and dropped of a piece of mail at the post office. After dinner, I went back down to Jimmie and Linda's and we watched another episode of Only Murders in the Building and played another round of the game that I am still just learning how to play. Now, even though it is 9 o'clock, I am going to go and check the mail. 

Monday, September 2, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 246/120, 2024 - Monday - Labor Day

Well, I think it is fitting (Since today is Labor Day) that I might have found a solution to the flag getting caught on the gutters all the time. Basically, all I did was to lower the flag pole holder by about four inches. I did that yesterday afternoon, and so far, there has not been a repeat of the flag getting caught on the gutters. It was raining this morning, so there was no walk. Honestly, it only rained a little but, but I am not fond of walking in the rain. I have been caught in good rains when I thought it would be just a little bit of rain. It has sprinkled off and on throughout the day, and in the last 24 hours, my gauge has registered less than a tenth of an inch. We have had a couple good showers this evening, and we may get a little more rain over night. Fingers crossed. I did laundry today, changed bed linens, all that stuff. I also went in to Austin and donated some platelets, and then went by the office. Jimmie and Linda invited me down, and we watched Only Murders in the Building, and after that we played a game (not really a board game), but a game I had never heard of, but it was fun. We played one round, and I was back home by about 8:30. Let's discuss the Tale of Two What-A-Burgers. As I noted yesterday in this journal, I stopped at What-A-Burger in Cedar Park (maybe Leander) yesterday. I ordered two Just-A-Burgers with ketchup and cheese added, and a medium order of fries. The total was close to $10.50 ( don't remember the exact amount, but I got four dollars and some change back from $15. Today, in Austin, I ordered exactly the same thing, and it was under $10. It just seems like that exact order should be the same cost wherever I am in central Texas. No telling...

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Volume 16 - Day 245/121, 2024 - Sunday

I am officially an old man. I have suspected it for quite some time, and even made remarks to friends about it, but over the past week, it has been confirmed. I get honked at on an almost daily basis by people driving behind me, beside me, and sometimes just near me. What am I doing wrong? I was driving down Leander Road this morning, doing about 55 miles an hour (that might be the speed limit, I'm not sure), and a woman behind me laid on her horn for about a mile. Holy shit! The other day, I was going down the Southwest Bypass, and a car blew its' horn and crossed a double yellow line to pass me. I have NEVER thought I was a slow driver, in fact I have always thought of myself as kind of a speeder. I haven't had a speeding ticket in a couple years, and I don't really want any more, but I am tired of the horn honking. Yesterday, I was driving Oliver home, we were minding our own business, and someone honked. Not sure it was at me or near me, or if there is a sign on the back of the car that says 'Honk to see if your horn works.' I am, however, over it. I did a good bit of driving today, trying to get some retail therapy, and got much of what I was looking for. But no sheets. I am looking for king size sheet sets with SHALLOW pockets. I hate the fitted sheets with DEEP pockets. Any help on that is welcome. Today, I was at Walmart (you have NEVER heard me say that), Target, At Home, two different Home Depots and What-A-Burger. By the time I got home, I was over the therapy part. In the middle of all that, I cruised the section of Parkside Parkway that is on the other side of the South Fork of the San Gabriel River. They are working towards connecting the two sides of the Parkway, which will also entail building a bridge over the river. I don't expect that work to be done for another couple years. We shall see. See photo, and look how pretty the clouds are. I also repositioned the flag out front. I moved it down about four inches, now we will see if it can still get caught up in the gutters.