It's hump day, again. Paul did not walk this morning, so that gave me an excuse to bail. I used the extra time to get some stuff done, and to take a little nap before heading in to the office. It was a slow office day, and I headed home at about 1:30. No stops along the way, and I took advantage of the quiet time to take another nap. The full moon last night was great, but the partial eclipse was partial indeed. I kept going outside to look, and I was burdened by clouds or just the inability to take a decent photo with my cell phone. Do you think the photo accompanying this journal entry is a contradictory statement? I do. A stack of lemon oreos and a Diet Coke. Of course. It's kind of a negative and a positive equalling zero. But no, it doesn't really. It's still hot, and the television prognosticators are predicting a changing fall weather pattern. The first day of fall is on Sunday, but I think it will still be hot. No signs of any substantial rain in the forecast, ugh. Just more reason for everybody to be cranky, although it doesn't take too much for me to go full crazy!
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