I am officially an old man. I have suspected it for quite some time, and even made remarks to friends about it, but over the past week, it has been confirmed. I get honked at on an almost daily basis by people driving behind me, beside me, and sometimes just near me. What am I doing wrong? I was driving down Leander Road this morning, doing about 55 miles an hour (that might be the speed limit, I'm not sure), and a woman behind me laid on her horn for about a mile. Holy shit! The other day, I was going down the Southwest Bypass, and a car blew its' horn and crossed a double yellow line to pass me. I have NEVER thought I was a slow driver, in fact I have always thought of myself as kind of a speeder. I haven't had a speeding ticket in a couple years, and I don't really want any more, but I am tired of the horn honking. Yesterday, I was driving Oliver home, we were minding our own business, and someone honked. Not sure it was at me or near me, or if there is a sign on the back of the car that says 'Honk to see if your horn works.' I am, however, over it. I did a good bit of driving today, trying to get some retail therapy, and got much of what I was looking for. But no sheets. I am looking for king size sheet sets with SHALLOW pockets. I hate the fitted sheets with DEEP pockets. Any help on that is welcome. Today, I was at Walmart (you have NEVER heard me say that), Target, At Home, two different Home Depots and What-A-Burger. By the time I got home, I was over the therapy part. In the middle of all that, I cruised the section of Parkside Parkway that is on the other side of the South Fork of the San Gabriel River. They are working towards connecting the two sides of the Parkway, which will also entail building a bridge over the river. I don't expect that work to be done for another couple years. We shall see. See photo, and look how pretty the clouds are. I also repositioned the flag out front. I moved it down about four inches, now we will see if it can still get caught up in the gutters.
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