I had a relatively busy day today, considering that there were only three estate sales on tap. After my walk with Paul, I got home, fed the girls, had some cereal, and pulled weeds between the sidewalk and the street. Last year, I had the grass removed from that area, cut off the sprinklers, and had stones put there. The weeds were all the same kind, they were rooted just in the rocks, so they were not hard to pull out be hand, but they were milky and sticky. I have washed my hands, paying special attention to the black marks from the sticky, but the black spots are still there. After the weed pulling, Diane and Marian and I went to the estate sales. Diane bought nothing, Marian bought a video and a game, and I bought another bell and a couple pieces of art. I needed all that stuff. Then I went down for a nap. I slept hard for about an hour, and then I went to get Oliver to take him to lunch. Then we went to Costco, back home, cut some of the apple pie to keep, and sent the rest of it to Oliver. I cannot even consider keeping a whole Costco apple pie at the Curious House. When I got back, I fed the girls, fed myself something (that I don't remember), and watched a little bit of tv. TV is ruined because it is the first day of college football. I was looking through pictures for something to post with this journal entry, and came across the first selfie I ever took, May of 1964. I was twelve. Ugh.See you next month.
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