I got a notice from my insurance company that one of the policy payment on one of the rent houses was past due. I spent (literally) hours on the phone today, trying to get this figured out. The mortgage company shows that they paid the insurance on July 23rd, the insurance company has not received it. They are stopping payment and sending a new check. They were going to overnight the check by FedEx to the insurance company, but the insurance company only has a PO Box and cannot accept overnight envelopes from FedEx. The mortgage company is only set up to overnight via FedEx, and cannot put a check in overnight mail via USPS. I suggested someone at the mortgage company walk the check to the Post Office and that was not received well. Also, the insurance company can accept a wire transfer from me (the insured person), but they are not set up to receive wired funds from the mortgage company. SO...they are going to put another check in the mail tomorrow...regular mail...and I will call them back on Friday to confirm that the check was put in the mail. Then I will wait a week or so and call the insurance company back to see if they received the check. Worst case scenario, I will wire funds to them and then try to get a refund from the mortgage company. I have no confidence that that will happen without more hickeys. The school year in Georgetown starts tomorrow, and Paul and I are looking forward to seeing the kids and the bus drivers again, that we have not seen for the last three months or so. The bus drivers were doing test runs this morning, and this one stopped for an ussie! We also saw Patsy (or Peggy) walking too, and I teased her about starting 11th grade tomorrow. NOT. Which caused Paul to wonder if I would go back to 11th grade knowing what I know now. It was an interesting question, and even though I have had some really hurtful experiences since I was in 11th grade, and there are things I certainly regret, I would choose not to change anything, because, in the end, everything turned out okay. Feel free to discuss.
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