I had an all-day, in-person meeting at the Board of REALTORS® today, so I did not walk or participate in the ROMEO breakfast. Dang it! The meeting, however, was a great way to hang out with a bunch of friends and colleagues, and it was a lot like old times.
NOTE: The following content may be unsuitable for children, and may (or may not) contain one or more of the following: crude indecent language, explicit sexual activity, or graphic violence. Then again, it may not. Reader discretion is advised, and I am not fishing for comments here. In the late '80s, I participated in psychological counseling every week for three or four years. I may have mentioned that to many of you in the past. It was a good experience for me, and I learned a lot about myself, and learned things that I still practice to this day. One time I told my therapist about a dream I had. I was an old car, there were some dings and dents in the body, but it had a good motor. Kind of telling, huh? If you saw my journal entries over the past two days, there have been some remembrances about Jody, my husband. We were together for 28 years, we were legally married in 2013, and he left this plane in February of 2020. I'm going to tell you about a dream I had last night, a very vivid dream, and remember, I knew exactly what it meant even before I Googled it this morning when I crawled out of the bed. I dreamt I was drowning. It was very real. There were people around me, in the water near me, and I remember struggling to surface and hold my hand and clinched fist above the water. I remember I breached the water and said 'help,' before sinking again. I did not yell the word, I just said 'help.' And then I sank down again. And I woke from the dream. Like I said, I know exactly what the dream meant, and I think it was sparked by my memories of Jody over the past several days. To be clear, I think about Jody every day, but maybe just a little extra this week. The moral of this post is, maybe, we all have our dreams, but we seldom share. I am honestly glad I can remember this one so clearly, even if that does sound kind of creepy.
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