If you judge the quality of your day by the number of tenants that are screaming at you, and by the volume of their screams, then today was a good day. Yesterday was a bad day. There was no walk this morning, Paul was not walking, so I took the opportunity to sit in the big chair with the girls and just be calm for a while. Today was the ROMEO breakfast, and if it is Tuesday, it must be Total Stranger Tuesday. And, today was a three-fer! These three ladies came in to the restaurant one at a time, and eventually there were three of them. They were seated not far from us, and after I finished my breakfast, I explained my mission, and they agreed. It is always helpful that I direct their gaze to Paul and Rick, who wave at them and give them assurances that I am not THAT bad of a person. Anyway, it was fun, and they were very smiley! You can see Paul and Rick at the table behind the strangers. Me too. Then off to the office. All was good in the office, and I got my stuff done (is it ever REALLY done?), and left for a 2:30 appointment. The appointment was fun, and it resulted in a new property for our portfolio. I got home close to 5, and I am pretty sure the girls thought they had seen the last of me. What they probably thought was they would never have another meal. So far, the flag magnets seem to be doing their job, and that is good. I called my pest control people yesterday, to tell them that I believed I have voles running around. They said they did not treat for voles. I said, well, it seems like the same thing you use for mice or rats would work for voles. I was put on a prolonged hold, and she came back and said they could not target voles, because they are considered wild life. I'm done.
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