Well, it looks like the FaceBook gendarmes reinstated my journal entry from yesterday. They could have told me. They said it violated community standards, and that I was trying to get viewers to click on a link to another site. Wrong. This is the third time their algorithm has identified one of my posts was violating something. I protested all three times, I don't know if they reinstated the other two or not. Whatever. Paul and I had a nice walk this morning, and then I was off to the city. There were a few things I needed to get done, and I needed to go visit a property. On my way home this afternoon, I was planning to make a couple stops, but I changed my mind and just made it home with no stops. I am trying to think of something interesting to include in this entry, but apparently I am even boring myself. The heat is taking a toll on the morning glories, and the once full and lush vines and thinning and becoming more sparse. There were a couple little blooms this morning, and all I can do is keep watering them. No rain in site, and it was 102 degrees today in central Austin.
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