Okay, it was a pretty normal, typical Saturday for me; I had a nice walk with Paul, did a few things around the house, went to estate sales and was thrown out of one of them, had brunch with Val, Paulina and Oliver, took the long way home, tried to hang my flag and I am still unsatisfied with the way it is working, and now I am doing the daily journal. Pam, Diane and Marian and I went to four estate sales, and I was thrown out of the third one. It is a long story, but the determining factor was when I told the woman at the cash stand that she needed a valium, and did anyone in the place have one they could share. When I got thrown out, Marian put her item down, and stormed out with me. By this sale, Pam had abandoned the events because she was getting a migraine, and Diane did not even know we had been thrown out. Whatever. I may or may not be allowed back in to that particular companies sales in the past, and I am not sure I will want to go...but I probably will, just to see if they recognize me. I might need to do something with my hair. Lunch with Val, Paulina and Oliver was really good, we went to the Original Pancake House, and there was a wait at 1 o'clock. I had a selection from the 'Senior Menu' which was really, REALLY good, and we had a great time together. Then, We went to a Russian Market and a French Bakery. The had croissants but no baguettes. The croissants looked good though, and I may need to go back again sometime when I have not just had pancakes and eggs. I may go back to one of the estate sales tomorrow, and I think I am going to continue to putz with the flag later tonight, after it gets a little bit cooler. Maybe not.
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