Have I mentioned lately that it is hot in central Texas? Over 100 degrees at least the next seven days. I'm having a relationship with my air conditioner, and DON'T JUDGE ME! The good thing is, I generally produce more electricity than I use, so I ignore pleas for conservation. So far, there have been no mentions of the need for conservation, but I expect we will have some in the next few days. Now, as far as Mondays go, it was not too bad. We had another staff meeting to make sure everyone is good with the new MLS rules that go into effect (affect? I think effect is correct in this instance) in the middle of the month. I am also really happy with all the consideration and cooperation from many of our colleagues, everyone wanting to help each other with the new best practices. I am pretty sure it will all be fine, so that is my story and I'm sticking to it. I had one stop to make on the way home, HEB. I needed some skim milk, and apparently the only place I can get it is at HEB. My choice. I am particular about some things, and could give a crap about others. And, as long as I was at HEB, I might as well get half an apple pie, some cookies, a prepared dinner, and some Coke Zero. Oh, and ice cream. That was one of the main things I was there for. AND, I should also take a look in the trunk of the white car every now and then. When I was putting groceries in there, there were four six packs of Coke Zero in the trunk, just waiting for me to pay attention. The photo with this entry is one of the potted Morning Glories I am trying to keep alive, this one is on the back porch. Two pretty little blooms, this particular pot gets a bit more shade and not 14 hours worth of direct sunlight everyday.
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