Paul and James and I walked this morning, but we did not have a ROMEO breakfast. I have been hungry all day. THe timer for my salmon is going to go off in about 5 minutes, so I have to make this journal entry kind of quick. All was good today, for the most part. I am conflicted...I got a notice from the girls vet that they needed a couple boosters in October. I called them to make an appointment for Saturday, October 12th, and they said they are no longer open on Saturdays. OMG. Not everyone is available to do everything during the week, although, honestly, I am, it is just something that I don't think is good. People need to take their pets to the vet on Saturdays. I get being closed on Sunday...but not Saturday. I made it to my 2:30 appointment, and along the way, I saw something I was not expecting. The photo accompanying this entry is the SRI SHIRDI SAI BABA TEMPLE of Austin. Beautiful! I believe I knew in the back of my pea brain that there was a facility in Leander, but these buildings are new since the last time I was there. Again, beautiful, and maybe tomorrow I will highlight some details of the facade. Exquisite! My 4 o'clock appointment called and rescheduled for Thursday afternoon, so I got an extra hour for myself. I am being just a little sluggish today after my Covid vaccine and flu shot yesterday, it is time for me to eat my dinner and sit in my big chair.
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