There was no walk for me today, and there was no ROMEO breakfast, but I think these two count as Total Strangers, so this is my Total Stranger Tuesday picture. AND...I am not sure what is worse for my television viewing...politics or football. I don't care to see either of them on television, but I will tune in tonight just to see what happens. This journal entry is not leaning either direction, so shut the front door. Yes, I am talking to you. I had an appointment at the Curious House this afternoon at 2:30, so I made it home with 4 minutes to spare. I have little bugs in the house, mostly around the window in the front bedroom. If they were in cereal, I would say they were weevils, but there is no food source where I find them. The pest control man did not really know what they are (that is not comforting), but he sprayed inside and outside all the windows in the house, and I will pay attention to see if they reappear. I have a couple meetings tomorrow, one is an in-person meeting and the other one is a zoom. I know where the zoom meeting is originating from, so I may make them both in-person meetings. Our cool temperatures are a thing of the past now, 98 degrees predicted for Saturday. We will survive, I am confident of that. If I survive the evening, I expect I will go for a walk with Paul tomorrow...that is, unless we win the Mega Millions prize. I will be checking my numbers in themorning.
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