Monday, Monday...so good to me...Monday morning, it was all, I hoped it would be. Oh Monday morning, you gave me no warning, of what was to be... Yep, that pretty much sums it up. Honestly, nothing terrible happened today, just a series of minuscule defeats, not just for me, but for a lot of people. Perhaps the moon is in Uranus or something, not sure. But...because of that, I did get a chance to watch a couple videos of the Mamas and Papas. I always liked them! Paul and I had a nice walk this morning, and so I am regaling you with the temperature reading this morning. Two in a row low morning temperatures. The whole thing will be over tomorrow, so there may be one more, but then the temperatures and the humidity goes back up. 98 degrees forecast for Saturday. I got in to the office and things were pretty typical, just lots of things to touch on my desk. Even so, I left at about 2:30, and got home about 3:30. I forgot that Linda and Jimmie sent me some cornbread and black eyed peas about a week ago, and that is what I had for dinner tonight. Yummy good. They sent me home with soup last night, too, so I am fixed for a few more days. I need to go water some potted plants in the front, but all is good in the back until tomorrow.
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