I made it to the Board at about 8:30, only to discover that the security guard had 'forgotten' his keys at home. The exterior doors open automatically, but I am not sure how you can be a 'security' person if you cannot access the property. ANYWAY, we worked around this, and I held the class in a small conference room, and everything worked out just wonderfully.
I got home and Jody and I headed straight back to Georgetown for spoilers at the DQ. Since it is October, they are promoting the Pumpkin Pie Blizzard, and Jody says that is the best combinations of all the flavors. After DQ, we headed to HEB so I could get six bags of sugar so Jody will not run out while I am out of town next week. It is not Jody that goes through all the sugar, it is the bees. We go through a four-pound bag of sugar every day (sometimes more, today it was eight pounds), so we gotta keep the bees happy! Hopefully it will rain once or twice next year, and the bees will be weaned off the sugar syrup. Fingers crossed.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CHICKENS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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