I am not sure if I will be able to keep this up for an entire week, but my goal is to have my entries 'publish ready' during the day, so when I get home (and start my wine) all I will need to do is update and publish. I am teaching night classes all this week, which means my class will not end until 10 o'clock, an hours drive home and the winding down will make it mid-night. AND you all know what happens when I am tired and logged-onto the Internet. SO, I am going to try to avoid embarrassing you (really how much more could I embarrass myself) by having things pretty much done before I get home.

THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS when I try to act like a 'normal' person. I did not leave the house until 6:30 this morning, and traffic was backed up for miles and miles and miles. There was a wreck (really did not look that bad by the time I got to it which was actually sometime tomorrow) but it was really a nightmare. Of course, just like standing in line at the Post Office and the Bank, by the time it was my turn to pass by, I took my good sweet time and rubber-necked like an old pro. PLUS, I had to take the photo. What of it???
I have everything ready for my class this evening and the rest of the week. It should be a good class. I have heard there are ten folks in the class, so I hope everyone (me included) will learn some interesting new stuff. Keep your fingers crossed. This is the first time I have taught this class, and this is the first time it has been offered in Austin, so by the end of the week, everyone should be comfortable! Fingers crossed!
Well and now we (that would really mean ME) are back. Class has been completed, and tomorrow is yet another day. Fer cryin' out loud, it is really difficult to type when you have had a bit (just a little bit) of the fruit of the vine prior to beddy-by time). Typing is very difficult, it seems like my precious little digits are heavy like an I don't know what. so i think it would be best for me to simply cut my losses and save my more important missives to be displayed tomorrow or another day. what say ye? All in favor say aye...those opposed no... the ayes have it.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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