No way. Impossible. There is no way that could happen, but it did. I was about to go into total denial, because I could not find the charger to my digital camera battery. Obviously I do not have enough tragedy and problems in my life, the fact that I could not find my camera battery charger was a major challenge to me. I ALWAYS keep it in the same place, and I ALWAYS put it back in that same place EVERY TIME. Except for maybe the last time. AND I MUST HAVE MY CAMERA CHARGED, because tomorrow is going to be a day full of photo opportunities. So, what have I learned from this? I am the luckiest man in the world, who has no more severe problems than the fact that he cannot find a contraption to charge the battery of his frickin' digital camera. I am the luckiest man in the world.
Now that everything has been put back into perspective (which means I found the charger) we return you to your regularly scheduled programming.
I got into the office a bit later than usual this morning (keeping true to my vow to try and stay in bed a little later), but was still there in time to take care of business that needed to be tended to before I headed off to the Hyatt and the Texas Association of REALTORS TREPAC training and Board Officer Leadership Training (which will be tomorrow). SO, three (really two-and-a-half) days of training, then some power real estate, and then a trip to Dallas.

So, that also means three days of Hotel Banquet facility lunches, and they are not terrible, lucky for me that I am not a gourmand. The pie was interesting, and I named my pie Lance, and if you want to know why I named it Lance, you can ask my friend and table-mate Terry. He will happily share it with you.
We had an afternoon of information about TREPAC, rules and regulations, fund raising ideas, major investment reward information and lots of networking.

Afterwards, we headed outside to see the NAR bus that is travelling across the country, promoting home ownership. I went inside the bus just to check it out, I lover that kind of stuff, and sorrily discovered that the way in was also the way out, and there was just a bit of a blockage of folks. SO, I made my way off the bus, and headed home.
The good thing is (and I have to hand it to the HYATT for this) they called me a couple weeks ago, and asked me if I would be attending the meetings, and if I would be bringing my plug-in vehicle, and would I need access to a charger. GOOD JOB. So, that was EXCELLENT, and I will not forget it. I will be back there tomorrow and Thursday, and my orange cone is holding my space for me.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, TAR MEETINGS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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