Except the part about getting stung by a couple of bees (one in my ear-ball) it was a pretty good day. I got up, did my morning chores, and made some breakfast for me and Jody. I went out and took TWO bales of hay to the cattle (to make sure they were alright while I am in Dallas for the week), and gave them all some feed as well. All morning long, bees had been swarming around me, but that is not really too unusual. I cleaned the chicken coop, swept out the garage, and was putting fresh water in the bee fountain, thinking to myself that I was pushing my luck with the bees. Sure enough, for some unknown reason, a bee flew INTO my ear, and that was it for me. No more Mr. Calm and Collected. I was out of there, swatting bees and digging that bee out of my ear. That was all it took, the bee that I was digging out of my ear put out its' 'let's get him' call, and I was done for. Honestly, I was only stung twice, but I have NEVER been stung in my ear before, and it does take some getting used to.
Carrie picked me up about 4:20, and we made it to the Hotel in Dallas by about 7:30. We got settled into our rooms and went downstairs to check out someplace to eat. We ended up eating in the Hotel, and now back in my room.
Class begins tomorrow morning at 8AM, REALLY? We were expecting 9 o'clock, but I did not plan the meeting, so I will show up at 8. Nice thing is, I only have to go downstairs. SWEET!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, BEES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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