Tuesday, October 18, 2011

2011 - Day Two Hundred Ninety One; Tuesday...

This is gonna be quick, I have only 10 minutes to get this post completed before midnight. You know what happens when the bell tolls...

I have many more interesting photos that I could post today, but this is one that will get the most action if folks are actually searching words. Dallas Cheerleaders. Dallas Cheerleaders. I might as well write Lady Gaga, just to see who finds the journal based on key word searches.

ANYWAY, I am attending the NARPM annual convention in Dallas, and have met up with LOTS of old friends that I do not see enough; Sue and Craig from the DC area, Beverly from Nashville, Rob from somewhere 'up east' and people that I have met over the years. Even Teresa, my first Broker is here from Austin. She has lots of friends from a while back, and since the convention was close, she decided she might as well stop by, since she was in the neighborhood.

Another full day of classes, then on to Texas Stadium (is that what it is really called) and then on to the Rangers Stadium (is that what it is called) for dinner. I am not really a huge sports fan, but it was fun to visit those places, and it was another first for me.

Four minutes to go...gotta quit, will be better tomorrow (maybe).

Deeds, Actions, Changes, CHEERLEADERS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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