For all practical purposes, today was a grey, wet, mess. I recorded 0.02" of rain overnight, and so far today, there has been about 0.09" more in the gauge. I got up as usual (I'm just lucky that way), and putzed around for a little while, and then went and met Kay at 9 o'clock for an estate sale. It was the darkest, big, relatively new home I have ever been in. No wonder the people died, it was really kind of depressing. Everything about it was dark. I bought a $6 Roseville pot, kind of pretty, and DARK green. Then I went home to take a nap. The sun broke through, so I decided to go to HEB and get a few things, mostly dog food. Before I got there, it started raining again. I bought some DARK red wine. I went home and took another nap. The sun came out again, and I decided it was time to go to the farm, with a few more stops between here and there: Ace Hardware (to see if they had some of that OxyClean stuff for a DARK stain in the bedroom carpet from dog vomit, and to the consignment furniture store to see if they had any interesting clocks. They didn't. I got to the farm, ran the hose to the pool to add some water, fed the cat, fed the chickens, gathered eggs, and Candy and Terry (with his two sons) met me out there. A few more things are gone out of the house. I am thinking of calling the consignment place to see if they want to come and pick up the furniture that is left in the house. It does not seem like I am going to find any more takers, so that would solve that problem. On the way back, there was a wet wreck on 29 that had traffic backed up jut a little bit. It is supposed to be windy and rainy overnight, so maybe we will get a little more rain. Fingers crossed.
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