It was an interesting day. Lots of good stuff accomplished, there were a couple deliveries, and that is good. The blinds are finished...they brought the one remaining blind this morning, and they repaired one of the blinds in the bedroom that has fallen more consistently as the days went by. Last night that one particular blind fell COMPLETELY, and I was able to get it back in working order. I did not raise that blind on purpose this morning, so the blind (not literally) installer could see it fail, and it did. So, the repair was made, and I will let you know if it falls down again. Hopefully not. Some patio furniture was delivered today as well, so I put one piece together before I left for the farm. I put a few things in the car and got it all unloaded when I got home. The neighbors (the ones we like) were out at the farm today too, helping get stuff moved and all ready (closer-and-closer) to getting the interior and exterior painted before getting the farm on the market. My sixty-second microwave dinner turned out to be (literally) a slab of spaghetti, but it was not terrible. Plus, it only took sixty seconds to prepare! There is a lot on my plate for tomorrow, and it all starts with an 8 o'clock zoom call. Oh, and it looks like they are finally starting the expansion of the 'propane farm.' Maybe we won't run out of propane again, the next time the temperature gets below 65 degrees.
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