I remembered what I wanted to rant about yesterday, and I wrote it down, so I wouldn't forget it again. It seems the Austin American-Statesman has decided that death pays. The font size of the obituaries in the paper have increased noticeably. I understand that the actually still subscribe to the print version of the paper are senior citizens with failing eyesight, but I also have several magnifying glasses placed strategically around the house. Truly, individual obituaries now occupy a full page or a half page in the paper. And then there are photos...taking up additional space. I am going to copyright the name Austin American-Obituary, just in case they confess and want the updated name and they offer me big bucks for it. 'Nuff said. For now. It was a busy Monday...I met with some clients to get one of their investment properties on the market, and we had a nice lunch and caught up after not seeing each other for two or three years. Then off to the office, a little bit of power real estate, and then off to the farm where I loaded a few things into the car, and my neighbor (the one we like), loaded a few things up and so there is more progress being made. I may try to take a box or two of stuff to Goodwill a couple times this week, just to keep the momentum going. Barney was relaxing on a chair this afternoon when I went out to feed him. He hardly moved a muscle when I walked past.
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