This is crazy, how did it get to be Thursday already? Okay, cutting to the chase, and to make a long story less boring, my Covid test came back negative. I am not surprised about that, but there is always a little nagging doubt that maybe you are, maybe you aren't. So, let's all hug and breathe on each other! Getting the test this morning was cumbersome, but it is over, and a story for another time. After getting the test, they called me in about three hours and give me the results. By that time, I was in the office, and I had run a couple errands on the way in to the office, one of which was to stop at Sandy's to pick up the usual Thursday lunch; cheeseburger combo with a root beer. After eating, I got down to some power real estate, and cleared off my desk. After a quick trip to the Curious House and a few minutes of a nap, I was back in to Austin to attend a TREPAC function at the new soccer stadium, Q2. I have no idea why it is referred to as Q2, but it is, so don't blame me, I am just repeating it. Here is documented evidence os same, with Dawn, me, Becky, Sonya and Holly, all TREPAC Trustees. A fun time was had by all, and I brought home a donut and an eclair. Sugar high, here I come!
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