This is my second attempt for this particular journal entry. I had everything done, and then it all disappeared. I think it was a pretty good entry, but honestly, I don't even remember what I was writing about. Wait a second, some of it is coming back to me... I was going to go get my flu shot this afternoon, but I think I will put it off until Friday or Saturday. I am scheduled to go to Corpus Cristi on Thursday, so I will wait for the vax until I get back. I would hate to be feeling badly while I am out of town. I was in DC once, and I bit into a burger and lost a crown on one of my front teeth. I looked like a short, fat Jethro, and it put an entirely different spin on the rest of the visit. So, I think waiting until I get back is a good thought, just to be safe and just in case the (extra strength) flu shots has some weird affect (effect) on me. I have never had a negative reaction to a flu shot, but there is a first time for everything. I still have the temporary paper shades on the three glass panels in the front door. I have been trying to get someone to come out and put an opaque covering on them for about a month now. They have that stuff at Home Depot, but I decided I would only succeed in screwing it all up and making it look like crap and THEN having to find someone to come out and do it right. I have also decided that I need some type of film on my bedroom windows that will reflect heat out of the room. That room has three pretty good sized windows facing west, and there is a very obvious temperature difference from that room to the rest of the house, so I will see what the window tint people can come up with. On the way in to the office this morning, traffic came to a literal crawl, and I watch at least 8 to 10 people go through the flexible barriers to go from the free lanes to the toll lanes. If you know who to report this to, I think there is a $500 fine for doing it, and I am just the guy to report them!
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