Friday. Music to my ears. There was a time, not too long ago, that Friday held no special significance to me. Friday was just another day. Weekends meant nothing to me, they were just two more days that were filled with stuff to do. Now, I relish the weekends, and if I can work in another day to do nothing, that is even better. Believe me, I do not work physically hard, but if I could burn calories mentally, I would be kind of thin. maybe. But I like putting my brain in neutral more and more, and the weekends are made for doing nothing much of anything. I do have three things on my 'to do' list for the weekend, but they are not things that will make a difference whether or not I cross them off the list. Just stuff. Today was busy, and it just ended. I have been home for about twenty minutes, after a dinner in Killeen. So, I will welcome time this evening in the big chair with a girl dog in my lap, and that is the important stuff. this particular mural is another that is just a few blocks from our office. It has been seen here and there in other places (magazines, Facebook pages), and it is just an interesting bit of Austin.
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