I'm not going to deny it, I am too old to be getting up at four o'clock in the morning. I will also not deny that I am too old for a lot of things that I do, but that does not seem to be tempering my behaviors. I will NOT be tempered! So, the girls were a little bit confused that I was out of bed so early. They were not really that interested in going outside, but they did it, and I made coffee and took my morning doses. I got in the car right on schedule for the 75 mile drive to New Braunfels to attend the Region 7 & 13 Association and Industry Update. There were nine association boards represented, and the sharing of information and concerns was great. Breakfast before the meeting was at 7:30, and I made it with plenty of time to share, and the meeting adjourned at about 1:15. I headed back to Austin, and made it to the office just about six minutes late for my 2 o'clock zoom call. The call ended just a bit before 3 o'clock, and then I took a couple phone calls, and took off for the Curious House. For dinner, I had a frozen dinner with a 'best by' date in the previous decade. Not really that bad. I think I may turn in a little early tonight, and I doubt the girls will offer any resistance. There seems to be a really poor selection on the 3,500 channels I receive on the television, so I think I will try and find something gross and disgusting. Just another typical Thursday night!
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